A Warm Welcome & Introduction to
Created and written by Dragonfly Senior Navigation business owner LaVon Lenaway, our blog offers inspirational insight and encouragement on navigating the complexities of caring for someone with dementia. We hope that in these blogs and the years to come, the world of dementia care will become easier and lighter with our part of it in this corner of the world.
Welcome to my site. Welcome to the blog. It’s so lovely to have you here. - LaVon Lenaway

Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Six: Travel in Groups
Blog#8 Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Six: Travel in Groups

Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Five; Leave the Wild Animals Alone!
Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Five; Leave the Wild Animals Alone!

Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Four: Look Up, Child!
Blog #6: Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Four; Look Up, Child!

Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Three: Bring a Map
Blog #5: Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Three; Bring a Map

Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Two: Never Walk Alone
Blog #4: Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part Two; Never Walk Alone

Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part One: Walk Slowly and Carry a Big Stick
Blog #3: Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving: Part One; Walk Slowly and Carry a Big Stick

Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving.
Navigating the Swamp of Caregiving, An Introduction to a Seven-Part Series

A Warm Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to my site. Welcome to my blog. It’s so nice to have you here.
I hope that in the following blogs and in the years to come, the world of dementia care will become more accessible and lighter because I was a part of it in this corner of the world. Despite my tenderness, courage, fear, strength, and sensitivity, I hope that my ambition reaches those in the thick of caregiving and lifts you up a bit. I hope I can help you navigate the complexities of care when needed, and I want to know that days felt better and brighter because of what I shared.